Animal Advocates Watchdog

Cover letter from ex-Vancouver SPCA Director, Clint Davy, to all the Electrothanator and Vivisection Committes

February 20,2005

Enclosed are two "batches" of info, one concerning the Electrothanator and Euthanasia Committee and the other concerning the Animal Research Committee, both of the Vancouver Regional Branch of the BCSPCA. I have put each of them in chronological order and have highlighted the more relevant passages. I have labelled them E1, E2 etc. (Euthanasia), and R1, R2 etc (Research), respectively.

In my opinion, much of the elitist attitude that was so prevalent then in the SPCA, still exists today. There has been some improvement over the years, but I am not confident that there will be any significant improvements in the future, as the Bylaw changes made to the Governing structure of the SPCA have made it virtually impossible for the membership to exert ANY influence over the actions or inactions of the Board of Directors.

The following comments are made to "round out" the information in the enclosed (Minutes are often lacking in detail), but of course they are only my recollections and/or opinions, and as such, are open to denial.

E1 Jack Homes knew at that time, that the euthanasia methods used by the Branch were under review.

E2 It was known in Canada as far back as 1974 that the type of cabinet in use by the BCSPCA was unapproved

E3 My interim report to the Euthanasia Committee. Please note the last page

E4 Minutes of Euthanasia Committee meeting at which my report was tabled
E5 Minutes of Executive Committee meeting at which The Euthanasia Committee report was tabled. What is not reported in these minutes is that after some very heated discussion, the motion to stop the use of the machines immediately was defeated!. Only after I threatened to call a press conference the next day, was the motion reconsidered and passed!.

E6 Succinct letter to the Board from Irene

E7 ASCO Industries ( the manufacturer) was instructed to modify one of the machines to conform to British Standard 2909. This machine was submitted to UBC for electrical evaluation. This is the subsequent report of that evaluation. Please note the highlights.

E8 Minutes of Euthanasia Committee meeting where I raised concern about continued use of the Electrothanators by other Branches. See last paragraph.

E9 Letter to Branch staff from Branch President.

E10 Cover letter to the file.

E11 Report for the 1984 Branch AGM (at which most of us were tossed off the Board due to a "coup" organized by senior management and others)

E12 Final report of the Ad Hoc Euthanasia Committee. See last paragraph.

E13 Letter and copy of report from Dr. Jeremy Tatum (then Director of Victoria Branch)
A number of us attended the BCSPCA AGM in April 1984 and protested the inaction of the Provincial Office over the continued use of Electrothanators by other Branches. This is when they stated they would be phased out over two years!

E14 Press release from protest at former BCSPCA Head Office on Granville St.

E15 Information leaflet from above

E16 Press coverage (there was also TV coverage). Use of the remaining machines was discontinued shortly after this!

E17 Minutes of the 1985 BCSPCA AGM (one year later)

R1 Page 2. Right at the beginning, there was a move to try and make me resign from the Research Committee

R2 The BCSPCA tried to stop our committee by forming their own committee. We took the position that, because UBC and SFU were in the Warrant area of the Vancouver Branch, that we would continue.

R3 Dr. Gregg continues his vendetta against me, although Dr. McNeil had no problems working with me.

R4 Part of the Committee's report to the membership

R5 Letter from Ingrid to the BCSPCA Board of Directors concerning the committee of Management ("read Dr David Wooldridge")

R6 Continuing pressure to force my removal from the Committee. Please note that Dr. Horsefall subsequently became a Board member of the Vancouver Branch. Jack Homes and he were obviously very much in contact at this time.

R7 My rebuttal to the previous nonsense.
