Animal Advocates Watchdog

My letter re the barn to John van der Hoeven of the BC SPCA

From: Robert Brodgesell
Date: 07/10/04 14:26:30
Subject: Barn

Hi John,

I just now checked the barn again, as I did also this last Tuesday.
The large door is now ripped off completely, leaving the entire front of the barn open and the small door on the side stands open and can not be closed any more.
Vandals had a few days ago built a fire in the middle of the gravel floor, but so far there is no fire damage to the building itself. However I am afraid it is only a matter of time before something serious happens. Especially now, that we have stored quite a lot of hay in one area inside.
I have spent a lot of money and time trying to secure this building and even had the police there at one time, but there is nothing more we can do now.
I believe the only way we can save this barn is to completely restore it, with a proper alarm system. As it is now, we could not even use for farm animals in an emergency.
Restoration would cost well over one hundred thousand dollars and my suggestion is that, even if we had to borrow the money, it would be a very smart thing to do, be a solid investment, could be used by any branch on the Island and would show the City and the community how serious we are developing the property and thereby create an incentive for major donors to come forward and contribute.
Subdividing and selling off the two acres on the East side of the Parkway would probably pay for most of that cost.
I would however not wait for this lengthy subdivision process, but start restoration immediately, as even so, the processing of plans, Development Permit and Building Permit would take a few months, before the actual work could begin.

Just some thoughts for you.
Keep in touch.
Best Regards.

Messages In This Thread

More money wasted: The Nanaimo property
My letter re the barn to John van der Hoeven of the BC SPCA
