Animal Advocates Watchdog

I constantly see idiot dog owners, looking for muzzles for the wrong reasons *LINK* *PIC*

I have been browsing your site. THANK YOU!!!! for everything you do. As an employee of Tisol Pet Foods (a NON-pet-selling pet store) and animal lover, I constantly see idiot dog owners, looking for muzzles for the wrong reasons - of course their dog barks all night left out in the yard, shock collars (which we don't sell anymore), and asking advice for problems that could easily be solved with LOVE and consistency, not abuse or giving their dog to the SPCA. I personally, and all of my co-workers, try to educate people BEFORE they acquire any pet. We reccommend volunteering, fostering first, rescues of all shapes and sizes, CAREFUL dog breed selection (i.e. reading about temperament and care BEFORE looks), and we reccommend vet insurance, natural or progressive vets, like Adored Beast, Dr Ashburner, and other reputable vets known for NOT over-vaccinating or $$ gouging. We have full rein to show customers the BAD ingredients in some of the huge commercial foods and cat litters.

Also, I have often sacrificed a sale because either the customer's motive was totally dangerous or useless to their pet and I told them so. I have been sworn at, threatened, and been reported to my managers -- who defend us all the way. I have also felt really good knowing I have educated someone, and I know they have made a breakthrough with their dog's or cat's behaviour problem, and they come back to tell me that is all OK now.

It can be so frustrating... but we are working very hard to educate new pet owners on proper nutrition for their pet, safe and healthy supplies, handling, and care of their pets, whether they are huge dogs or tiny hamsters. Speaking of hamsters, we have caught the man who has dumped 22 emaciated baby dwarves in 2 different, necrotic and mouldy boxes last month. Utterly horrific.

Seeing your website was very empowering, even though it is SCARY! The more people I meet and organizations I talk to, the better I feel that we are all working together. Know that, despite being a profitable business, the company I work for is conscientious and sometimes a little outspoken when it comes to these issues. The owners have never had a non-rescued dog. One of my co-workers is a known rescuer, she is one tough woman... it's hard to tear her away from some customers who are headed for obvious bad-dogdom.

We also get awesome new dog owners, old dog owners, and so many happy ending rescue dogs. It makes me very happy to help these people, and I encourage people to continue to educate themselves about animal health and welfare. I think I've created a few monsters!!!

Thank you for your time,
Rae Ellen Goodridge
