Animal Advocates Watchdog

Sign in a pet food store: Veal gullet strips

Just as we humans are multiplying like rats, so are the animals that we have chosen to amuse and comfort us - our pets. And they are eating too. They are a huge and lucrative market for the species of animals that we haven't chosen to be special to us. One of the reasons there is factory farming - the mass production of cheap meat - is that we all want our pets to be affordable. So we thoughtlessly feed our pets the shrinking bounty of the oceans and the products of the expanding factory farming industries.

Worse - we boast that we feed our pets only the best body parts of other "lesser" animal species, the mere "food" animals. Human grade food is now all the rage among the upscale "good" pet owners.

Messages In This Thread

Ninety per cent of large fish in world's oceans are gone, study says
Variety of ocean's fish down by half, study says
We’re killing all the fish *PIC*
Veal, eggs, milk, cheese, it's all cruel *LINK* *PIC*
Sign in a pet food store: Veal gullet strips
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