Animal Advocates Watchdog

I can’t for the life of me understand the attraction of watching animals suffer *LINK*

Good for the SPCA. This is the right thing to do.

I can’t for the life of me understand the attraction of watching animals suffer at a rodeo. 100 years from now, society will surely be looking back at rodeos as yet another example of past barbaric human behaviour.

Proponents of rodeos argue that the animals seldom get injured and that it is just good, harmless family fun. Luckily for them, the animals can’t tell them what hurts inside, so they only have to count the visible injuries. I’m sure they don’t take xrays to find out which internal organs have been damaged, nor are they aware of neck injuries or torn ligaments, etc. Not to mention the terror that the animals must feel before, during, and after the events.

This is not to discuss the necessity of doing these practices for farming. That is a completely different issue. I just wonder how it can possibly be fun to watch animals suffer.

Rodeos seem to me to be a celebration not of animals themselves, but of our total domination over them. Let’s make a sport of seeing who can rope a calf the fastest. Our so-called superior western civilization still condoning organized cruelty to animals boggles the mind and the heart.

To see a surprising list of businesses and organizations that sponsor the rodeo, go to the following website:

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At last - a real animal welfare position, but...
I can’t for the life of me understand the attraction of watching animals suffer *LINK*
