Animal Advocates Watchdog

Write Burnaby's Mayor and Council

Add your voice to Donna Liberson's call for an independent investigation into the awarding of a 2003 contract extension between the city and the SPCA.

Write Mayor Derrick Corrigan and councillors Colleen Jordan, Dan Johnston, Lee Rankin, Nick Volkow, Pietro Calendino, Sav Dhaliwal, Gary Begin and Garth Evans at Be sure to put in the subject line that your email is for the Mayor and all Councillors. (Be sure to cc Donna Liberson at

Messages In This Thread

Advocate accuses Burnaby politicians of SPCA coverup *LINK*
The BC SPCA: A prison camp for animals: Barbara Yaffe: based on the report to Burnaby *LINK* *PIC*
Write Burnaby's Mayor and Council
