Animal Advocates Watchdog

In Memory of my Dad, Ton Oor... *LINK* *PIC*

In Memory of my Dad, Ton Oor...

A Dutch baker
Good Friend
Culinary Chef instructor
Animal rescuer
Good husband
Great father
Hard worker along with my Mom.
Accumulated a zoo of rescued bunnies and rescued dogs!

Other people collect stamps, but Ton and my Mom, Didi, rescued animal. Two bunnies became 6 and the one dog that emigrated from Holland, became 3. They became regular visitors at the Wild Life Rescue centre with hurt birds and Meow Aid also received some feline rescues.

He picked up dead animals off the road, so they wouldn’t get run over again and again. They threw them in the woods as other animal food, the recycling of the planet always in mind. He took action, not always legal, to relieve more animal suffering. My dad, together with my mom, were true animal lovers.
