Animal Advocates Watchdog

Declaration of the Rights of Those Who Live

At this time in history it is necessary that we do away with the concept of human rights. As the only sentient being that writes and finds it necessary to do so, humans must move on to a "higher" ethic and morality. That ethic and morality must encompass all sentient beings (it is arguable that it must include all of life, including plants). Such an ethic might be defined, if definition is reguired, by a Declaration of the Rights of Those Who Live. To concentrate on the rights of humans alone is to ignore the state of interbeing that exists on this planet. And, to igmore this interbeing is to necessitate disaster.

Messages In This Thread

Beware Of 'Pet Traffickers' Trying To Adopt Your Family Pet
all too often pets end up being rehomed because they are inconvenient
Maybe one day we will look back at these times
Declaration of the Rights of Those Who Live
Shipping them off to a cold shelter, and not knowing who in the world they'd go to, was never an option
My wife and I are expecting our first child
