Animal Advocates Watchdog

Help needed to abolish bullfights in Spain

We request only two minutes to you of your time to sign a letter directed to the deputies of the Parlament de Catalonia (Spain) who are on the verge of voting the abolition of bullfights in Catalonia.

This decision, without precedents in Spain, could change the destiny of thousands of animals that are massacreed and tortured every week by a trivial and wild spectacle.

For that reason, now is the moment. Your opinion had never had as much force. Aid now to Catalonia to be the first autonomic community of Spain that does not close the eyes before the atrocities public and SUBSIDIZED that supposes the bullfights and to extend it to the rest of autonomic communities.

Please, visit the web: . Watch extremely cruel videos and sign. Only click in the menu COMPANY/SIGNATURE (if don't works, click twice) and sign; you can subscribe the purposed text or, better than this, weite your own message. Then you will be united to the thousands of citizens who already are saying to the deputies who vote by the respect animal, for ethics and for humanity.

And forward this message to all your contacts, please.

Thank you very much!
