Animal Advocates Watchdog

The Province: Environmental group protests charity event

Crab feast called cruel to animals
Environmental group protests charity event

David Carrigg, The Province
Published: Thursday, August 17, 2006

The SPCA is in hot water over plans to make money from a crab boil.

"How incredibly bizarre," said Paul Watson, Greenpeace co-founder and founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

"Here we have an organization supposedly dedicated to preventing cruelty actually inflicting cruelty to an animal to raise money to supposedly prevent cruelty to animals."

The live-crab boil is slated for Aug. 27 at Mariners' Park in Prince Rupert, with the crabs to be provided by the Crabbers Association of Prince Rupert.

For $10, a live crab will be tossed in boiling water and the purchaser can then take it home to eat.

Money raised will go to the B.C. SPCA's Prince Rupert branch.

Kristine Vasik of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said the society is co-ordinating an international campaign among animal-rights groups to send protest e-mails to the SPCA.

Vasik provided an e-mail from SPCA spokeswoman Lorie Chortyk, dated yesterday, saying the number of e-mails she had received had overwhelmed her computer.

"The difficulty . . . was that so many e-mails came in that they crashed my system so I didn't even get an opportunity to read them," Chortyk wrote.

Last November, the European Food Safety Authority's Animal Health and Welfare panel concluded all decapod crustaceans, including lobsters and crabs, appear to have some degree of awareness, feel pain and can learn.

Other scientists claim lobsters have such primitive insect-like nervous systems that they can't experience pain the way animals and humans do.

Chortyk could not be reached.

Messages In This Thread

The SPCA is boiling crabs alive again *LINK* *PIC*
Is refusing to boil animals alive just more of that disreputable "animal rights advocates" nonsense?
Incompatible with respect for life
SPCA not living up to its name
Is the BC SPCA content with saying the right thing, but not doing the right thing?
Civilization is another word for respect for life
I spy an oxymoron
Sea Shepherd Society's Paul Watson's message to the SPCA: Some People Just Don't Get it!!!!!!
An animal welfare organization? I don't see how they have the gall to use that term
People will do most anything for money and this certainly proves the point
Shame on this Animal Helfare Society! *LINK*
Looking forward to the follow-up P.R.
Remember the old bumper sticker, "Nuke a Gay Whale for Jesus"?
I am shaking my head....
For once in my life I am speechless
It has long bothered me that some SPCA fundraisers have taken the form of hot dog sales and BBQs
Crab Boil: Vancouver Sun: BC SPCA's P.R. person says it's up to the branch to decide
Ms Chortyk is strangely uninformed
Will the BC SPCA start a legal action for defamation against Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Society? *LINK*
After last years crab boil, why didn't the Board of Directors adopt a cruelty-free fundraising policy?
The Province: Environmental group protests charity event
Crab Boil is cancelled
Someone had better tell Ms Chortyk
Hallelujah for public pressure!
I urge you to have strictly vegetarian fund-raisers at all branches, at all times
SPCA denies that crabs feel pain in spite of learned opinion
Crabs have two main nerve centers, one in their front and one to their rear, and—like all other animals who have nerves and an array of other senses *LINK*
Prince Rupert SPCA cancels crab boil after public outcry
These basic questions beg careful consideration.
Contravening own policies for money
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Question 14: What needs to change at the BC SPCA before it ruins its reputation irrevocably?
I'm left with a sick feeling that, if they could have got away with it, they would have
Boiling crabs is antithetical to SPCA's raison d'etre
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Paul Watson - The SPCA: they just don't seem to understand the contradictions
I buy a crab to set it free
All beings are sentient. All beings suffer. All beings 'feel' that suffering
Barry Faires is being sued by the BCSPCA *NM* *LINK*
"Food for Thought" helps SPCAs to see the contradictions between rescuing some animals — and eating others! *LINK*
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Questioning the statement, "The SPCA does a lot of good work. Who else would take in the homeless cats and dogs?"
Anyone concerned about the hyprocrisy of grilling some animals in order to prevent cruelty to others should approach their local shelters in order to help steer them in a humane veggie direction
Boiling crabs? Not funny! *NM* *PIC*
