Animal Advocates Watchdog

Tell Supervalu to Stop Abusing Animals!

PETA 2007 Aug
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Tell Supervalu to Stop Abusing Animals!

Supervalu is the nation's third-largest grocery company, with nearly 2,500 stores and several major grocery chains, including Albertsons, Shaw’s, and Acme Markets. Despite numerous discussions with PETA, Supervalu’s executives have thus far refused to take meaningful steps to reduce the suffering of the animals who are abused and killed for their stores.

- Supervalu's pig flesh still comes from suppliers that confine pregnant pigs to metal and cement "gestation crates" so small that the pigs can't even turn around.

- Supervalu’s eggs still come from suppliers that cram hens into tiny wire "battery cages."

- Supervalu's chicken flesh still comes from suppliers that slit live birds' throats and drag them through scalding water.

- Supervalu continues to sell foie gras, a notoriously cruel item produced by cruelly force-feeding ducks in order to induce a painful liver disease; the birds are then killed and their livers are sold as foie gras.

Other major players in the food industry, including Supervalu's competitors Safeway and Whole Foods, are taking important steps to improve the lives and deaths of the animals used for the flesh and eggs they sell. These—and many other—companies also refuse to sell foie gras, which has been banned in California, Chicago, and 15 nations and condemned by the pope.

Please take a few seconds to tell Supervalu’s executives to follow the lead of Whole Foods, Safeway, and others and start improving the lives and deaths of the animals killed for its stores and also to stop selling foie gras.

Send your polite comments to the following Supervalu executives:

Ms. Shannon Bennett

Mr. Jeff Noddle

Mr. David Boehnen

Mr. Kevin Davis

You can also call Supervalu at (952) 828-4000
