Animal Advocates Watchdog

Undercover Video Exposé Spotlights Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty

Undercover Video Exposé Spotlights Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty
IDA and AFK capture disease, forced cannibalism, and rampant abuse on camera

On July 25th, 2007, IDA supporters gathered at South Korean Consulates in cities around the globe on the Third Annual International Day for Korean Dogs and Cats armed with TVs showing video footage from a recent undercover investigation exposing the brutality and horror of the dog and cat meat trade. The video, filmed by Animal Freedom Korea (AFK), exposes the cruel, illegal dog and cat meat trade that continues to thrive in South Korea, one of the last remaining places in the world where people still eat dog and cat meat.

IDA provided with AFK funds to purchase concealable video equipment so they could go undercover to film dogs and cats packed by the dozens into tiny, filthy cages and left in the hot sun with no shade or water. The investigation revealed dogs crammed so tightly together that the stress caused them to fight and cannibalize one another. Sick dogs were callously left to suffer and die with no veterinary attention. The video also provided proof that despite dog meat proponents' claims, it is not just dogs who are specially bred for their flesh killed in these markets, but that canine "pets" of various breeds-from huskies to cocker spaniels-are kidnapped from their guardians and eaten, as well.

While much work remains to be done, South Korea has passed new animal welfare laws that will offer increased protections to animals used for food, clothing, experimentation, and entertainment. Unfortunately, the new laws do not specifically ban the killing of cats and dogs for human consumption, so IDA will remain committed to stopping the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea and continue to support our allies working for this change from within their own country. With our support, South Korean organizations are coordinating an educational campaign to discourage youth from eating dog meat while lobbying decision makers to strengthen animal protection laws.

View IDA and AFK's undercover video investigation of the illegal dog and cat meat in South Korea's Moran Market. Warning: the footage is graphic and may be disturbing to some viewers.
