Animal Advocates Watchdog

Whoopi Goldberg makes excuses for Michael Vick

I was furious when I read about this, then watched the video. Her first day on The View and Whoopi doesn't hesitate to make excuses for Vick and insults residents of "the deep south."

If the video works for you, notice the way, when asked where Vick is from, Whoopi answers "deep south" in a low, hushed tone. What does that mean? Sure, dog fighters are idiots, but they exist in every state. So, just imagine that this is Vick's culture (not southern culture,) so what? Does that make it acceptable? Does Whoopi really believe that because Vick was raised torturing animals that it's OK or acceptable, or that he should receive less punishment. Just because an evil practice was acceptable years ago in his culture, doesn't make the act any more understandable today, just as the horrendous acts of slavery, once a "southern culture" is neither legal nor acceptable today. Vick may be an idiot, but he knew that dog fighting was illegal. Dog fighting is no more "southern culture" than cockfighting is "Cajun culture" both of which did not begin here and both of which exist all over the country. An occasional remark was made in defense of the animals, but nothing in comparison to the excuse-making for Vick, by depicting the south as backwards, illiterate and too dumb to understand the law.

Every cast member of The View should have watched a video of a dog fight in progress, and watch another video of the use of cats, dogs, kittens, puppies, rabbits, chickens, etc. in training dogs to fight. Then, let's hear their "VIEWS."

Below are links to an article on the The View episode, a link to watch the video and a link to write to The View & ABC. Please take a few minutes to write the show & ABC. This cannot be acceptable behavior. If they are going to defend Vick, at least have someone else to defend the dogs and the law.

news article:

(make sure you click on 'dog controversy')

Messages In This Thread

Whoopi Goldberg makes excuses for Michael Vick
Please write ABC TV
First day on 'The View' and Whoopi Goldberg defends Michael Vick
