Animal Advocates Watchdog

TRACS goes up against City of Kelowna over goose killing *LINK*
Goose kill not humane
by Wayne Moore - Story: 33810
Sept. 22, 2007 / 10:00 am

The head of a local animal rights group says the city isn't listening to alternatives to the on-going goose kill.

The Responsible Animal Care Society (TRACS) President, Sinikka Crosland, says she has talked with City of Kelowna officials about habitat modification, but so far, to no avail.

"The sad part is I've met with parks and I met with Ian Wilson and brought them a goose habitat modification guide and told them that we would be happy to bring in some experts, at our own expense, to speak to them about habitat modification and they haven't taken us up on it, says Crosland.

"Instead, they want to do a combination of things, including lethal methods."

Crosland says habitat modification is a non-lethal way of deterring geese from coming to certain parks and beaches.

She says geese see an expanse of sand and they see where they are going to land. Beyond that there is grass which is usually fairly close cropped which is what they like.

"Habitat modification would take an area of beach or other places where geese like to congregate. Shrubs can be planted to take away some of that visibility, so when geese are flying in from the lake they won't see beyond the shrubbery."

Crosland says the modification method has been used with some success in Mississauga, Ontario and other communities in the eastern portion of North America.

"They need to look at things like this as a long term solution, rather that the short term of killing a small number of geese."

Crosland adds she doesn't feel the problem is being handled properly or humanely.

"Lethal methods are not necessary. They're not good in the long term. I don't think people in general like killing."
