Animal Advocates Watchdog

Vick Takes PETA Course in Respect for Animals *LINK*

Vick Takes PETA Course in Respect for Animals
In August 2007, NFL quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty to federal dogfighting charges. The 18-page indictment gave gruesome details of the operation, which shocked the nation.

Vick Meets With PETA President
On September 7, 2007, Vick made an arranged visit to PETA's headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, for a private meeting with PETA president Ingrid Newkirk. Newkirk told Vick that PETA advocates an end to all exploitation and needless violence based on prejudice, including the prejudice against other species, and that PETA believed that arming himself with information and materials would allow Vick to better live up to his responsibility to counsel children not to engage in cruelty to animals. Newkirk also explained that although PETA realizes that it is in his legal interests to take PETA's course in basic animal empathy, our position that he deserves jail time and a lifetime ban on animal contact remains firm. During their meeting, he expressed his willingness to learn and his belief that everything in life happens for a reason, and he offered an apology to PETA and to "everyone" for "what I have done to dogs."

Messages In This Thread

Vick Takes PETA Course in Respect for Animals *LINK*
January 19, 2007: PETA workers on trial for cruelty *LINK*
Unethically milking sad stories is rife in the animal welfare industry
First he finds Jesus (in less than a week),..
