Animal Advocates Watchdog

Tulip - I miss her with all my heart *PIC*

Dear Jen,

This morning Tulip died. She died in the place she absolutely loved the most, on my bed next to me. She was probably the best dog I will ever own. We loved her for almost 7 years. I miss her with all my heart and already I am very heart-broken without her.

I am still reeling from losing her this morning. Although she was my third Yorkie, she holds such a special place in my heart because of where she came from. I can't quit crying...hard to believe how they wind themselves around our hearts. She did that the very first day I saw her, and she never let go. If you remember Jen, you brought her over to my house in Peachland, for me to foster, then she snuggled in to my shoulder...I just looked at you and said...where do I sign to adopt her? I have those papers right here beside me. She loved everyone and everyone loved her.

I have always asked myself why she loved people so much for what they did to her..but she sure did.

Donna Watts

Dear Donna,

I am SO sorry to hear that dear Tulip is gone. But at the same time I am so glad to hear from you and to hear how happy she was with you. What a lucky little dog that she wound up with you.

You know, I remember exactly the day I got her out, and the two others who were sprung free with her - a little terrified Chihuahua, who I named Peanut, and a nervous but friendly Lhasa Apso, who I named Jasper. Peanut was handed to me from the same padlocked trailer as Tulip. Peanut came first, almost tossed at me, with the words "You may as well have her, her pups always die", and then Tulip, who, due to her age, was no longer producing - translation, no longer making money. No longer earning her keep, as it were.

Dear little Tulip was friendly even then - a little unsure, but had a tail wag and a positive outlook, despite her matted coat, rotten teeth, and mammary tumours. But she got out and she found you, and you were so good to her and she was happy, and that's all that matters right now. Thank you Donna, for giving her the life every dog deserves.

Jen Dickson

Messages In This Thread

Tulip - I miss her with all my heart *PIC*
Tulip was truly one of the lucky ones
