Animal Advocates Watchdog

Chilliwack Times: Companies in Canada are still product-testing on animals

June 3, 2008

Published in the Chilliwack Times
Re: Animal Testing

It is appalling that Procter & Gamble, which makes famous brands like Tide, Bounce, Mr. Clean, Olay, Crest, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Pringles, and Iams/ Eukanuba, among many others, continues to test on animals in the development of its products.

These experiments are cruel, unnecessary, and happening right now, not only in the US but in six Canadian P&G facilities as well. Each year, thousands of animals die in P&G laboratories-—the victims of painful and archaic product tests in which caustic chemicals are forced into the eyes, throats, or onto the shaved, raw skin of restrained animals who are unable to move away from the excruciating pain. Animals sometimes break their necks or backs attempting to escape the pain.

P&G refuses to stop testing its products on animals, despite the fact that these tests are not required by any law and despite the fact that reliable alternatives exist. Examples include: the use of cell cultures, corneas from eye banks, corneal and skin tissue cultures, and sophisticated computer and mathematical models.
Since 1999, several countries around the world, including the UK have banned animal testing for cosmetics. The European Union also voted for the ban, which included the sale of animal-tested products from within its borders.

But we can make a difference and feel better about ourselves simply by refusing to buy P&G products and switching to cruelty-free products. I urge Canadians to make this decision today. It’s not as hard as you might think. These web sites contain information and product lists: and
A few stores in Chilliwack stock cruelty-free cleaning products. A couple of the more common cosmetic companies that do not test on animals are Revlon and Bonne Bell.

To learn more about this issue check out ‘In Defense of Animals’ web site

Jan Dawson
Chilliwack, BC
