Animal Advocates Watchdog

It is the unintelligent...

Dear Professor Harris,

It is the unintelligent who pay the money that builds cages that keeps the owners in the business of providing amusement for the masses.

Changing the minds (I use that word loosely) of the masses can't be done, you have to offer them an alternative amusement.

Bread and circuses are still the sops to control the masses and the masses do love their brainless amusements. The masses condemn dog fighting but their own amusements are only marginally less cruel. Who ever gave the masses the vote and money anyway???

Messages In This Thread

The days when tiger cubs could be condemned to misery in British circuses were meant to be over *LINK* *PIC*
Cubs rented out at £100 a pose *LINK* *PIC*
She looked broken and depressed *LINK* *PIC*
The glitz and glamour of the Big Top *LINK* *PIC*
It is the unintelligent...
Re: The days when tiger cubs could be condemned to misery in British circuses were meant to be over *LINK* *PIC*
