Animal Advocates Watchdog

United Poultry Concerns 2004: It is the responsibility of SPCAs and humane societies to help raise the intrinsic value of animals in people’s minds *LINK*

ACTION ALERT * * * ACTION ALERT * * * ACTION ALERT United Poultry Concerns January 10, 2004

Protest Humane Society Serving Animal Products at Fundraiser
(This alert is adapted from Judy Reed of AnimalVoices)
The Animal Humane Society of Golden Valley, Minn. (in Hennepin County in a suburb of Minneapolis, one of the richest Humane Societies in the country) is having a pancake, EGG and SAUSAGE breakfast for “animal lovers” on January 17 from 8 AM to 12:30 PM. Call 763-489-2210 or visit

Please contact the director and urge him to adopt an animal-friendly fundraising menu. Urge him to serve scrambled tofu and a tasty meat substitute. For online recipes and points to make, see below. The Animal Humane Society has the motto “Voice for the Voiceless” on their front door.

Alan Stensrud, Director
Animal Humane Society
845 Meadow Lane North
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Phone: 763-522-4325
Fax: 763-522-0933

Points to make to animal shelters and humane societies that are still serving meat, eggs, and dairy products to raise money:
(Courtesy of Animal Place)

It is the responsibility of SPCAs and humane societies to help raise the intrinsic value of animals in people’s minds. This translates into not serving them at shelter-sponsored functions.

Shelters are role models for their community on how to treat animals. SPCAs need to raise the public’s awareness and increase their sensitivity towards all animals.

Moral consistency is a reasonable goal toward which animal protectionists must strive. (Imagine if United Poultry Concerns offered a fur coat to raise money for chickens.)

Charitable donations should not be used to perpetrate cruelty.

SPCAs and humane societies need to be the community leaders in compassion.

They can no longer ignore this issue. Time is long overdue to adopt a humane menu, which is as easy as going to the vegetarian cookbook section of the local bookstores.

Send them copies of UPC cookbooks Instead of Chicken, Instead of Turkey: A Poultryless “Poultry” Potpourri and Replacing Eggs (to order, see our merchandise pages).

For More Information: Contact Animal Place for a copy of Food for Thought: Adopting an Animal Friendly Menu. This FREE 12-page booklet is the ideal publication to share with your local shelter.

For Recipes Online:
Compassion Over Killing:

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:

Vegetarian Resource Group:

United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl.


United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
FAX: 757-678-5070
(Action Alert - Fundraiser for Needy Children Promotes Animal Cruelty)

Messages In This Thread

DawnWatch: Will the environmental damage end factory farming and cheap meat?
United Poultry Concerns 2004: It is the responsibility of SPCAs and humane societies to help raise the intrinsic value of animals in people’s minds *LINK*
Animal People 1999: Humane societies with the guts to put principle first *LINK*
Vancouver Sun 2006: Activists want SPCA to stop serving meat at fundraisers
