Animal Advocates Watchdog

Petcetera still selling baby rabbits in BC stores

It's nice to hear of people like Lesley Sanford, who go out of their way to help the UVic rabbits, and of store owners like Lisa Nitkin, who have voluntarily decided to do what's socially responsible, and that is to stop selling "cheap, unfixed rabbits." Too bad Petcetera, the BC SPCA's business partner, hasn't done the same. It's been a full year since Mr Urbani, Petcetera's President and CEO, promised to end sales in all BC stores, and instead, "adopt" only sterilized rabbits supplied by the SPCA. Why is it that locations outside the Lower Mainland continue to sell intact baby rabbits? (the Kelowna store is relocating and scheduled to reopen in December)

In a conversation earlier this week with an employee of the Petcetera store in Victoria, it was learned that eleven baby bunnies, all supplied by breeders, were for sale! This is outrageous. When asked if staff knew if they were male or female, the answer was no, and that all are sold with a "no-sex guarantee."

Let Petcetera, the BC SPCA, and Victoria City Council know your thoughts.

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Messages In This Thread

Rescuing UVic's rascally rabbits
Bunnies are hazardous, UVic warns *LINK*
Petcetera still selling baby rabbits in BC stores
BC SPCA Press Release re Petcetera/SPCA Pet Express van *LINK* *PIC*
Abandoned bunnies aren't put under cabbage leaves by the bunny fairy *LINK*
