Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA played hardball at Fall Fair in Courtenay

SPCA played hardball at fair
Published: September 09, 2008 3:00 PM Dear editor,

I am writing to share my profound disappointment with an organization that I have previously always thought highly of.

I was quite dismayed to witness the unpleasant behaviour of an SPCA representative at our local Fall Fair recently.

The individual who came to “evaluate” the 4H animals was intimidating and just downright unfriendly to the young people she spoke to, took a very hard-handed and punitive approach, and did not even bother to wait for an adult in charge to arrive before launching into, what seemed to me, an ill-informed tirade about the size of chicken cages, calves being tied up, pigs without water, and the like.

In fact, the fowl cages used were of a size and setup as recommended in umpteen poultry books, including the popular Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens. The competition calves are trained to lead and tie long before the fair, appeared clean and relaxed both days, and certainly had adequate space to move around in comfort.

And the few pigs that may have had no water (I know, I spent both days on site with friends from the C.V. Swine Club) had either only recently dumped out their water to play with it (pigs do that) or were being cleaned up right before a show class. I doubt any pig, goat, sheep, horse, rabbit or chicken at that fair went without water for any length of time.

And given the number of 4H members and parents, barn supervisors, and Fair Board evaluators monitoring things, I also doubt any animals missed their scheduled feedings.

Every 4H club member has their turn at stall duty to ensure that the animals are properly tended. All the cages and pens I saw were clean and well bedded every time I went by.

4H kids/families are taught to care for the well-being of their animals in all respects. 4H kids do love their animals, and would no sooner harm them, than they would harm themselves.

I think the only thing this particular visit by the SPCA accomplished, was to intimidate and spoil the day for some fine young people who were trying very hard to learn something new about animals and agriculture. I know I saw one young girl in tears.

And I think that for myself, and some of the other fairgoers who witnessed this (from comments I heard) it also made us think, “What the heck is wrong with the SPCA if they are hassling 4H kids?”

I love animals, and have always been a staunch supporter of the SPCA. But after what I saw at the fair, I feel a lot less like supporting them.

I have been to many other agricultural fairs where the SPCA has a friendly, fun and interactive booth, and is on good terms with the 4H and other livestock exhibitors. Why not here?

To all the 4H kids and parents who put on such good demonstrations, competitions and displays on the weekend … thumbs up for a job really well done. Don’t let this one unfortunate incident ruin your sense of pride and accomplishment.

D. Renz,


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SPCA played hardball at Fall Fair in Courtenay
All animals deserve good care
