Animal Advocates Watchdog

Tonight on Daily Planet: our first two grizzly cubs' release

Dear Friends of Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter ,

Thought you’d like to know that the piece filmed in July, documenting our first two grizzly cubs' release, will be airing this evening on Daily Planet. If you’re in Canada, it will be on at 7:00 p.m. EST/8:00pm PT on Discovery Channel (Also at 11:00 pm EST, 9:00 am ESTand 12:00EST noon the next day-check listings for local times).

You will also be pleased to know that our field team is out tomorrow to resume the monitoring of our grizzlies. Immediate financial problems have been solved due to the generous support of our sponsors, the support of IFAW and thanks to all of you. Next spring, we are pleased to announce that we will be releasing minimally two more grizzly cubs ( known as Koda and Espen). To ensure continuation of the grizzly bear program on-going fundraising is necessary.

All the best to all of you and please feel free to pass on this information to anyone that you might feel is interested in this project or animals in general!!

Angelika Langen
