Animal Advocates Watchdog

A whole city full of rotten tomatoes to the City of Cullowna *LINK*

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes
Do you have somebody you would like to thank? Or maybe something you want to get off your chest? Send your rose or rotten tomato to editor@the now

Surrey Now
Published: Friday, September 19, 2008
Double stuffed tomatoes to the Tupperware sales lady at the PNE, who refused to give me a refund.

A pond full of rotten tomatoes to the elderly gentleman who decided to fish (equipped with his fishing gear) in the Cougar Creek Park pond. A small catfish was caught - but instead of throwing it back in, he threw it into the grass beside the walkway to flounder on its way to death.

A whole city full of rotten tomatoes to the City of Cullowna, formerly known as Kelowna, which has chosen to shoot the rabbits that have been living there for years - thanks as always to the stupidity of people who should not be allowed to own rabbits.

The saddest roses of the whole summer to the animal organization that tried so hard to protect the rabbits by finding them sanctuaries and saving them from such unnecessary slaughter.

Another heap of rotten tomatoes to the SPCA for once again not preventing that kind of cruelty to animals and, yes, rabbits are in fact animals! I guess the SPCA only protects stuffed animals/rabbits these days!

A beautiful rose for the woman who placed a gentle hand upon me after my fall [my doing] at Price Smart Sunday morning September 14 and called for aid.

A lovely bouquet of roses to Debbie at Price Smart with her skillful first aid and compassionate care. A special thank you for that warm blanket to cover a cold floor.

Beautiful roses to Tammy who assisted and comforted with the warmest of hands.

Roses to all the Price Smart men who assisted and to the one who made me laugh when he guessed my age to maybe mid-40s. Give him a raise.

Roses for the 911 gents, the ambulance staff and the good doctor at Peace Arch emergency. All were skillful, gracious and compassionate with their care.

A basket full of slug infested tomatoes to the bored teens who tipped over the sign at the local elementary school causing $1,000 worth of damage that the parents have to pay for.

Many bouquets of roses to the BC Hydro worker who stopped to help the three women trying to stand the sign back up. You really went out of your way and made our day!
