Animal Advocates Watchdog

Rachel Westfall: Feline Night Thoughts *LINK*

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

feline night thoughts

The cat’s jaw clicks steadily as he sleeps,
his tongue pressing mechanically
against his palate. I wonder

if he’s dreaming of his mother
and the life-milk she fed him,
or of a bird, his typical waking-jaw-clack
muted by his curled posture.

His toes are long, like fingers,
strong and elegant; so useful
for tipping water-glasses
so the fluid runs curiously
out across the table and onto the floor.

His tail curls across his nose
and for once, he is still.

Rachel Westfall
July 29, 2008

Messages In This Thread

Rachel Westfall: The Waxing Moon and other poems (balm for your troubled mind and soul - bookmark this one!) *LINK* *PIC*
Rachel Westfall: Feline Night Thoughts *LINK*
