Animal Advocates Watchdog

And the biggest dishonesty of all? *PIC*

A veterinarian assessed the dogs and euthanized them last Friday...

She said the SPCA could not do much to save the dogs, because, unlike elsewhere in the country, it's a volunteer-driven organization with no facilities to house the animals...

"The dogs were suffering. We hired a vet under the authority we have under our animal control bylaw," Mr. Yeo said. "We couldn't take them into care ... We don't have the resources ..."

I found this article in the Globe and Mail accompanied by a photo of the dogs, showing all them in better condition than dogs that are rescued by little rescue organizations which are not killed on the grounds of a 'lack of resources'!

Too many SPCAs kill too many animals on the grounds of a 'lack of resources'.

And the biggest dishonesty of all? Calling that 'euthanasia'!

I am not going to forget these innocent dogs, or the ease with which society abuses them, or the ones who kill them, or the paid staff who let them be killed on the grounds of a 'lack of resources'.

Messages In This Thread

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And the biggest dishonesty of all? *PIC*
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