Animal Advocates Watchdog

Pennsylvania SPCA closes no-kill cat shelter

I am working with an animal sanctuary in Pennsylvania that was raided and closed by the PSPCA. I had volunteered there several times and am absolutely convinced that this woman was set up. The case is more about control, power, and authority than it is abuse. The bottom line is that this sanctuary found value in all life – took all cats, regardless of condition, and did not practice euthanasia. The PSPCA is dragging this through the court in a manner guaranteed to exhaust all financial resources. They have conveniently” lost” all her medication and care logs, provided only 10% of what her attorney asked for in discovery (and buried it in 400 pages of drivel), and are in the process of discrediting witnesses (including several of their own former staff who have left because of ethical concerns). We are searching for any resources that will allow us to continue to defend this case – we sincerely believe that it will set a dangerous precedent for no-kill operations if the PSPCA wins it.
