Animal Advocates Watchdog

The Elephant in the Green Room: Uncontrolled human population growth makes other species' extinction inevitable

If we don't stop our uncontrolled population growth, it is inevitable that one day there will be no living space left for any species but the human species (and perhaps those insects that we haven't wiped out because they serve a purpose to us). As we invade other species' homes, we kill as we spread - just like cancer - just like thugs breaking into homes and killing the helpless occupants. We eat their food, we mow down their homes and erect ours, we kill any that remain who become pests or dangerous.

When is the root cause of all Earth's ills - the unsustainable increase in our numbers - going to be faced and discussed? Do most of the humans on Earth want there to be no other species except those bred for our entertainment and display, or bred for food in factory farms, or bred to be our pets, or bred for some purpose that serves us? How many of Earth's 7 billion people care that our numbers are projected to be 9 billion by 2042? Is this future made inevitable by evolution?

For decades I thought of this as "The Elephant in the Green Room". The Green Room is Earth, and the elephant, who all pretend isn't there, is uncontrolled human population growth. It was frustrating to never see any mention of this in the media or by politicians.

Is one solution for Canada to declare that it has reached the maximum population that sustains the environment as it is, and that immigration numbers will be matched to that figure? Would saying "No more" negatively impact the growth of wealth created by the growth of numbers of humans, a wealth that most of us benefit from?

Can humans stop the growth of their numbers? Do they even want to? If they did, it would have to be voluntary to be humane, as the example set by China has shown. And China's brutally enforced one-child policy hasn't even stopped its population increase.

Messages In This Thread

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Sound off: How do you think the cougar incident in Saskatoon was handled? *LINK*
The Elephant in the Green Room: Uncontrolled human population growth makes other species' extinction inevitable
When the wild things are finally extinct, who then will mankind have to dominate?
Do I want to live on a planet without song birds, or killer whales, but overrun with humans. Not a chance!!
Humans lack the intelligence to realize what a paradise for all living beings this earth could be
