Animal Advocates Watchdog

As Thanksgiving is approaching, I thought you might take a look at some of the reasons why I do not eat turkey *LINK*

As Thanksgiving is approaching, I thought you might take a look at some of the reasons why I do not eat turkey, or anything else with a face...sorry it's graphic (not a joke), but it is the brutal truth.

This and other similar sites are what convinced me to become vegetarian.

But I'm happy to say that even non-vegetarians can help make the lives and deaths of food animals more humane - there is no excuse for this type of behaviour by mankind to the lesser creatures. PETA has had some controversy for their extreme ways, but they are the major organization that has already made a difference in the way animals are treated while growing and on their way to the market.

As Bill Mahar stated: "It's not the worst thing in the world to cross the line. To me, a much worse thing is to never even approach the line."

Please check out the following link, and if you aren't able to watch the video, perhaps read the little blurb on just a bit of what goes on behind the scenes. My hope is that we all become advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. - PETA has just convinced all of the Kentucky Chicken franchises in the US and Canada, to purchase their meat from companies who do not illegally and immorally abuse chickens in the manner in which the turkeys in this video are treated. One by one, we are truly putting down the evil producers...YAY!
