Animal Advocates Watchdog

Schweitzer's drops: Animal welfare without a clear animal abolition goal also protects animal welfare jobs and incomes

"All what you can do, will be, in view of what should be done, always a drop instead of a river; but it gives your life the only sense which it can have, and makes it worthy."
Albert Schweitzer, 1875 - 1965

I for one don't mind being a just a drop; all the drops are now gathering into a perfect storm of humane treatment of animals. Oprah Winfrey's recent conversion to animal welfare is a deluge. Soon there will be a humane tsunami. But only when all the animal welfarists aknowledge that using animals "better" is no more morally right than using humans slaves "better" is.

Animal welfare must be practiced for the sake of the suffering animals here and now, but animal welfare without a clear animal abolition goal also protects animal welfare jobs and incomes; for as long as animal use is condoned by animal welfarists, there will be animal abuse to profit from.

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Schweitzer's drops: Animal welfare without a clear animal abolition goal also protects animal welfare jobs and incomes
Animal exploitation needs to be "Abolished", not protected!
