Animal Advocates Watchdog

PETA: Take action to free Sammy *LINK* *PIC*

Free Sammy the Shark!

A week after Sammy—a 13-foot–long female whale shark—wandered into the shallow waters off of Dubai's Gulf Coast, she was captured by the Palm Atlantis Hotel for display in its aquarium.

In the wild, Sammy would swim the ocean freely, but at the Palm Atlantis, she is confined to a tank that is much smaller than her natural environment, and she is deprived of everything that is natural and important to her.

Keeping marine animals in captivity often causes them to die prematurely. Many marine animals have died from swallowing coins, swimming in contaminated water, and the stress and trauma of being taken from their natural homes. Tanks in marine parks are kept clean with chemicals that can have dangerous side effects. For example, high levels of chlorine can be deadly for animals.

You Can Help!
Please contact the Palm Atlantis Hotel and urge it to free Sammy from her life of boredom and suffering.

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Messages In This Thread

Dubai: Free Sammy the Shark *LINK* *PIC*
PETA: Take action to free Sammy *LINK* *PIC*
Abolition trumps Welfare... again
"The journey will not begin while we are walking backwards"
Today we are far more into slavery, than we have ever been throughout history
