Animal Advocates Watchdog

CBC Documentary 'Cruel Camera'

"As long as they've made movies, animals have been killed or injured to do it.

The controversial shot of lemmings leaping to their death from the Disney film, White Wilderness. In reality, they were flung from a turntable (not seen) into a river.

In a landmark investigation twenty-five years ago, called Cruel Camera, the fifth estate's Bob McKeown uncovered an uncomfortable, even shocking, reality about moviemaking: animals, intentionally put in harm's way, abused, often killed to create the kind of cinematic excitement that draws a crowd.

As well, the fifth estate found that in wildlife documentaries, the casualties are often the truth. Nature films, including award-winning documentaries made by esteemed studio such as Disney, sometimes used fakery in their shots. (watch the original film online)

Twenty-five years later: animals still abused in films."

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CBC Documentary 'Cruel Camera'
Thomas Edison electrocuted a live elephant on film 105 years ago *PIC*
