Animal Advocates Watchdog

Owning animals, rescuing animals, protecting animals are part of the same multi-billion dollar domestic animal business

This study only tells clear-thinking people what they have always known is true, but it is a start in debunking the "zoos as saviours of species" business; businesses such as aquariums, zoos, and conservation displays. The only thing that will save other animal species from the self-interest of the human species, is for them not to be our property to use as we wish. Aside from being used as captive companions, the way humans wish to use all other animal species is to make money from them.

Any animal welfarist who is against the abolition of owing other species isn't thinking beyond their own prejudices and self-interest in my opinion. Domestic animal welfare and domestic animal protection is only necessary as long as animals are owned. Think about that... there are millions of jobs and billions of dollars to be made in both using animals and in overseeing the use of animals. Quite the business model. Abolition would end all those jobs in the domestic animal welfare business.

Other species of animals are at our mercy; even the largest cannot prevent our enslavement of them for our own cruel and selfish reasons. Mercy demands that we give up the benefits we get by owning other animals and allow them all to live, unmolested by the enemies they have no defences against, in the lands that are their natural homes.

It seems that the only other animal life that we haven't been able to control for our benefit is viruses, and we're working on that.

Messages In This Thread

Zoo Life Erodes Elephant Health, Study Finds *LINK* *PIC*
Owning animals, rescuing animals, protecting animals are part of the same multi-billion dollar domestic animal business
Fall in numbers of birds linked to pollution, vanishing habitat
The birds tell the truth about the "conserving species" industry
All the other animals in fancy preserves and billions of humans swarming the planet, grazing it bare *LINK*
