Animal Advocates Watchdog

Peace & Health...

Merry--Merry and Ho Ho Ho everyone, this is Santa Mike (Ok, I'm really not Santa cause I'm too thin ;)

It is overwhelming to see so many letters here. As sad as much of them are, this proves one victory has been WON! The victory within those of us who know what is Right and what is Just!

Human beings like YOU, Judy, who never gave up the good fight. If I had the money to back you, the animals For Life, I would be right there to help get "their" lives back--the righful owners of their own lives--The Animals--The Animals!

Judy, you, like Diane Esther have WON something money can never buy: you won the battle to be who you really are; 'Angels'..which must have felt like the road to hell sometimes! Instead you are on the road to heaven you beautiful souls. Journey-On!

And to all you who fight the good fight for the lives of another: you too are special/unique I say! Thank You; Mille Grazie!

*Peace and Health* to you ALL from all the Animal Angels...Journey-On...:)
