Animal Advocates Watchdog

I see this as much more than a sled dog issue

I see this as much more than a sled dog issue. It's a dog issue. There are many dogs who are kept chained up outside all the time, through harsh winters, without shelter, or adequate food and water. I've seen this type of "animal care" across the north, and in more southerly regions as well; it certainly isn't restricted to sled dogs.

How many people will welcome a dog into their house when he/she is young and "cute", only to neglect the animal as an adult?

Messages In This Thread

3 Sled dogs found frozen to chains, 3 starving in Tuktoyaktuk, NT *LINK* *PIC*
Human Idatrod: An Iditarod to Endorse
Last January the BC SPCA profited from a sled dog race *LINK*
Incredible that BC SPCA would support sled dog racing!
I see this as much more than a sled dog issue
These issues are calls to action, in a Dark Age
When animals can vote the politicians will listen. *LINK* *PIC*
