Animal Advocates Watchdog

Time is running out fast for Brindi's safety & life

I would like to thank Animal Advocates for their support of Carol Waterman's efforts to keep attention of the public on the plight of Brindi in Halifax. I encourage all to email the Premier of Nova Scotia in support of Brindi's PARDON--this has to be the most ridiculous out of hand issue people vs an animal I have ever seen! It has gone so far that the powers that be have dug in and taken a stand even tho one must imagine deep inside they know how foolish they look to the public. EVERY case is an individual one, a "fits all" rule invites farce, which this certainly is at this point. Post, everyone, far and wide, especially to the US and other animal friendly countries and let them see what happens when people HAVE to keep "rules" despite how out of context!

Brindi is now the symbol of the "everydog" who unknowingly commits a crime because of human error, and humans again err in the "justice" meted out because they know no reason! It could be my dog, or your dog next time.

Take time out to respond to the petition because this must not happen again to someone's beloved pet. And publicize because her time is running out fast for Brindi's safety & life.

Messages In This Thread

Please help save Brindi from death at the Halifax SPCA *LINK* *PIC*
Time is running out fast for Brindi's safety & life
My Heartfelt Thanks to Animal Advocates who took their precious time to post this story *LINK*
