Animal Advocates Watchdog

The Cinderella Dog *LINK* *PIC*

She really was a little princess. Our little Cindy came to us on May 15, 2004, twice the normal weight of a cocker spaniel, with very little hair and black spots all over her skin. She was probably 10 or 11 years old, and we honestly couldn't recognize the breed of dog when we first saw her. She hadn't been properly cared for by her previous owners, and she was rescued by the Jen Dickson in Vernon. In two months she dropped from 57 to 47 pounds under the care of Jen, and then we fostered her from that point on. We were afraid to become too attached to her at first, since we didn't think she'd make it through the first summer....we were sure wrong about her. Cindy's day to day progress made us smile so many times, and she got to a normal cocker spaniel weight of 25 pounds, which allowed her to run, perhaps for the first time in her life.

After only two months with us, she had managed to struggle up and down every stair case in the house, and on her strict diet she was dropping a pound per week. With that wonderful personality and that long waggy tail, it didn't take us long to fall for her...she had us hooked. She spent every Tuesday afternoon with her companion Charlie at the Inglewood Care Hospital where the residents quickly fell in love with her too...after all, she was quickly becoming a svelte princess with a big "Beyonce" type booty which she loved to wiggle to make you smile.
