Animal Advocates Watchdog

Gorgeous site! North Vancouver Landscaper exposes "sustaina-bull" marketing *LINK* *PIC*

I wanted to touch base with you and let your know that we have relaunched our new website – I am also being featured in an upcoming documentary that you can view on You Tube called “Working Green” focusing on green careers.

When you get a chance please check out our new Green Info Centre which we will be adding to weekly for tips and easy to use solutions and products that won’t ‘break the budget’ to make your projects more ‘green’ and friendly to the planet.

The Info Centre also features a section for the ‘homeowner’ in all of us – techniques and tips for creating a sustainable landscapes as well as lifestyle living – using my personal residence for many of these examples.

Finally, Senga’s blog called Sustain ‘Able’ / Sustaina ‘Bull’ will be exploring and questioning those products or companies that call themselves ‘green.’ And we welcome your opinions and comments as to whether these claims are really ‘Green’ or just ‘Greenwashing.’
