Animal Advocates Watchdog

53 billion per year land animals killed in the world, and no one death can honestly be called "humane"

There are several questions that I would like to ask of Temple "of Doom" Grandin that I will not have the opportunity to do in person.

She uses concepts such as "humanely and sustainably raised" and "sustainable and humane practices". The best synonym for humane is "kind', so any practice that has as its end the killing of a sentient being cannot be humane.

Each year in the United States, 10 billion land animals are raised and killed for meat, eggs, and milk. ( )

And "53 billion per year land animals killed in the world. These figures don't include fish and other sea animals."
( )

Those animals urinate and defecate some time during the course of their lives. It's probably quite safe to argue that each one would urinate at least a gallon's worth and defecate at least a pound's worth during the course of one year of its life. How could this possibly be sustainable over the course of even ten years? That adds up to one hundred billion gallons of urine and one hundred billion pounds of fecal matter during that time period. So, unless Grandin has some plan for the usage of this waste matter, what are they going to become other than pollutants? I won't even go into the problem of bovine and porcine methane production, except to iterate that it rivals the CO2 production of all the automobiles on the planet.

Humane? Sustainable?

" give animals a decent life and minimize the impact on OUR environment...."

Messages In This Thread

Animal Person: Temple Grandin: If you use doublespeak long enough 2 + 2 will indeed = 5 *LINK*
53 billion per year land animals killed in the world, and no one death can honestly be called "humane"
