Animal Advocates Watchdog

'On the dogs' behalf, thanks (and other letters to Whistler Question) *LINK*

Letter posted April 8, 2009 on Whistler Question web site:

As an advocate for dogs used as sled dogs, I was not surprised by the readers’ responses which I read online (all defending the industry, none thanking the Whistler Question and B.C. SPCA for taking seriously concerns about the welfare of some animals who cannot speak for themselves).

I live in the Yukon Territory, which is a major centre for exploiting sled dogs — our territorial government has spent literally millions of dollars promoting the barbaric Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race (and more public money to promote Yukon sled dog tourism), without providing any level of protection for the dogs. In the Yukon, despite our new animal protection act, it is not considered illegal to shoot dogs (a common method of dog control here). Heaven knows how many Yukon sled dogs’ lives have been ended this way over the years!

The responses of the readers were similar to those offered up by supporters of sled dog races like the Yukon Quest and Iditarod. These people (and the race organizers themselves) like to have it both ways. They trumpet the images of happy dogs mushing through the wilderness, mushers kissing dogs, but when these “canine athletes” are hurt or killed, or are mercilessly beaten, we hear the usual mantras: these are not “regular” dogs/“not pets”/not “normal dogs” (writers Tara Evans and Deon Molloy pretty much threw out everything including the kitchen sink in their blanket defence of all Whistler dog tour operators). Is a sled dog’s “inherent nature” to be “friendly and approachable” (Greg Palmer, Kitchener, Ont.) or to be “shy and wary of strangers” (Evans and Molloy)?

If they are not pulling some egomaniac (up to and over) 100 miles in a single day despite brutal terrain and intense cold (two dogs literally froze to death in the 2009 Iditarod; six in total were killed), or earning money for people who make their living off the labours of man’s so-called best friend, these “true athletes” are thrown into the “chubby pets” category (Julie Armstrong).

Then you have the couched words of veterinarian Dr. David Lane (“Sled dogs not being neglected: vet,” Question. April 2), who says he has seen “no outright neglect”(?); he doesn’t see any “huge problems” or a “horror story going on.” If there was any instance of malnourished sled dogs, this would be an animal husbandry issue, not neglect.

As to the response of the sled dog tour operators themselves (Craig Beattie of Canadian Dogsled Adventures distinguishes his tour operation from others), Bob Fawcett of Whistler Dogsledding complains about “recent SPCA visits” which have been “full of fear and anxiety.” I did some online research and found that Mr. Fawcett, who, according to his advertisements on is at the same time, “ready to spread (his company’s) wealth of dog talent and lines” and is “downsizing his operation” (selling and/or giving away dogs). On the “dogs for sale” pages at Sleddog Central, you will see the real way that sled dogs are valued (as mere tools of the trade, to be given away or sold to any willing taker, when they are no longer able to earn their keep).

Competitive sled dog racing and mass-commercial sled dog tourism are industries built on exploitation. This is the real story that very few media sources are willing to cover. On behalf of sled dogs, I thank reporter Jennifer Miller and the Whistler Question for distinguishing themselves from the cowardly yellow version of journalists in their reporting on the real lives of sled dogs.

Terry Cumming
Whitehorse, Yukon


'Happy dogs, happy guests' -

'Dogs have spunk, not bulk' -

'Dog sled tour fabulous' -

''Athletes' can be thin, healthy' -

'Raising the bar' -

'Article 'misleading'' -

Story: 'Sled dogs not being neglected: vet' -

Messages In This Thread

'Whistler Question criticized by sled dog tour industry supporters over story about alleged sled dog neglect *LINK*
'On the dogs' behalf, thanks (and other letters to Whistler Question) *LINK*
