Animal Advocates Watchdog

These Ski Resort Zoos must be stopped!

June 27, 2005

To: Mayor and Council (

From: Peter Hamilton, Lifeforce Foundation (604) 669-4673

Re: Moratorium on Animal Exhibits and Performances

In view of the ongoing concerns about animal welfare and public safety on Grouse Mountain, I hope that council will implement a moratorium on all further acquisitions of animals for exhibit and performances.

Ken Macquisten, former owner of the appalling Vancouver Game Farm, has stated that he plans to acquire numerous species including eagles, elk, marmots, caribou and wolverines. Shortly after leaving the Greater Vancouver Zoo (aka Vancouver Game Farm) he said that he wants to open a “captive breeding centre” with 40 – 50 animals including pandas, tigers, elephants, whooping cranes and burrowing owls. Is he planning this zoo for Grouse Mountain? Is he planning to spend the $400,000 from the BC government on these types of animal exhibits?

There are numerous wildlife rehabilitation and release organizations that have been caring for many species over the years. They should be supported and receive funds from the BC government. These Ski Resort Zoos must be stopped!
