Animal Advocates Watchdog

Richmond Animal Protection Society is Richmond Homeless Cats

Richmond Animal Protection Society is Richmond Homeless Cats and they believe in keeping cats imprisoned for their whole lives, some in cages. Accounts of the number vary but we have been told over 500 cats are spending their long, pointless, boring, stressful lives in confinement at their "shelter".

Starting from the premise that we have the right to imprison animals "for their own good" it is not far to approving of zoos and aquariums and little creatures in cages for their whole, short, sad lives.

Lucky, lucky Fritz to have escaped that fate because that is what was in store for him. From the best life a cat can wish for to imprisonment with 500 cats and all the diseases that catteries are typical full of.

By the way, the BC SPCA has also been telling people for decades that "good" cat owners lock up their cats for life. How can a Society that says it prevents cruelty be trusted when it promotes lifetime confinement? That is animal "control" not animal welfare.

Sun reporter Nicholas Read must feel miffed that his long-time friends at Richmond Homeless Cats aren't returning his calls.

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Cat came back, after island-wide search
Richmond Animal Protection Society is Richmond Homeless Cats
