Animal Advocates Watchdog

The attached table shows the changes in the financial fortunes of the BC SPCA over the last 7 years *LINK*

If you want to know why the SPCA can't provide the services that everyone expects you only need to look at the Society's financial history.

The attached table shows the changes in the financial fortunes of the BC SPCA over the last 7 years. The information is taken from the public financial statements issued for each of the years. 2001 is included twice because the statements were restated in 2002.

The Society's net worth has declined by 34% in 3 years. Annual income has declined 6% from 2000, if you factor in inflation the decline is 16%. To make things even worse the cost of raising this money has increased from $ 934,008 in 2000 to $1,784,190 in 2004 effectively decreasing income a further 4%. Net decline in income after factoring in increased fund raising costs and inflation is 20%.

This increase in fundraising costs and decrease in net income is what the SPCA calls "revenue development".

The message is even grimmer if you consider that the BC economy was a basket case in 98, 99 & 2000 and that 2004 was the best economy ever. In fact in 2004 people in BC were richer, older, more numerous and more generous than ever. The Federal Government has stated that tax receipted donations to registered charities has increased approximately 86% over the last 10 years - say 8% per year. The BC SPCA has not been one of the charities to benefit from these increases.

You don't need to be a CA or MBA to understand the message in these numbers. The 2001 Bylaws and restructuring of the Society has been a financial failure. Centralized command and control has not worked for the BC SPCA any more than it worked in the USSR. Until the Board and CEO accept that to have a financially strong Society there needs to be strong branches. To get strong branches, a reasonable level of power needs to be delegated to local leadership.

Rick Sargent

Messages In This Thread

A letter from Rick Sargent: Comments on the BC SPCA's Strategic Plan
The attached table shows the changes in the financial fortunes of the BC SPCA over the last 7 years *LINK*
I'd say the BC SPCA is now in a full-on code red situation (2003 and 2004 financial statements)
BCSPCA Auditors Report - Dec 31, 2004: Areas of note/concern
