Animal Advocates Watchdog

Some humane education anything but humane *PIC*

Birds, reptiles, rodents, rabbits and all other sentient beings kept in cages, deprived of the freedom to enjoy life as they should, are victims of our "creation." Yet the BC SPCA, an animal welfare organization maintains their partnership with Petcetera, a huge seller of rabbits in BC, rather than being ethically consistent with their message of cruelty prevention and "speaking" for animals.

One of the rabbits I rescued was originally bought from Petcetera by a teacher who thought "it" would be great to use as a "teaching tool" for her young students. Needless to say, it was a disaster and within a few months the rabbit was unwanted. Not only had Mopsy been physically traumatized, she was emotionally scarred as well. Whenever I approached her she would madly dash in circles, doing anything she could not to be caught. She pulled out her fur, suffered from periodic seizures, and had a chronic eye problem, which was likely due to stress. Several physical examinations by a veterinarian determined nothing else was "wrong" and although she has greatly improved in a year and a half the psychological damage had been done.


Messages In This Thread

PETA: Bird cruelty at PetSmart *LINK* *PIC*
Some humane education anything but humane *PIC*
