Animal Advocates Watchdog

We must remember, it is us who invaded Boo's territory

Boo, the grizzly is wild and he has the right to be left in the wild.
However, he has been spoiled by humans due to circumstances not of his making and therefore it is now our responsibility to try to keep him safe while he roams and lives as he was always meant to live.
And should he come close to humans, it is up to us, in turn, to ensure our own safety either by staying clear of the animal, or move the animal away without harming it.
We must remember, it is us who invaded Boo's territory and took it from him. It is not Boo who invaded our place.

Robert Brodgesell
Ladysmith, BC.

Messages In This Thread

Boo News: Project Peek-a-Boo could make bear a Net sensation
We must remember, it is us who invaded Boo's territory
I think you'll agree the more this tale goes on, the more disturbing it becomes
Calgary Herald: Boo's fate in the hands of B.C. Minister
The provincial government is providing $90,500 to promote bear awareness
Boo a cash cow?
