Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dear Mr Daniell, did you know that your staff poached my picture of Felicity? *LINK* *PIC*

On July 6th I emailed BC SPCA CEO, Craig Daniell, telling him that a photo taken by me of a seriously ill cat that I had saved from death at the Kelowna SPCA had been taken from the AAS website and used in a recent presentation to the SPCA's Board of Directors and staff to illustrate what a wonderful job the SPCA was doing in providing isolation rooms (after more than 100 years of letting cats pass around Upper Respiratory Illness - a bad cold - and then killing them all).

I wrote, "Did you know that neither I, nor Animal Advocates, was contacted regarding permission to use my cat's photo? I can only assume one of your staff has poached it from the AAS website to use as part of your Society's powerpoint presentation. How wickedly ironic!

I'm sure you can appreciate why it is more than a little inappropriate for your Society to use my picture - not the least reason of which is that whole nasty lawsuit thing.

But, I leave it to you to explain. I am keen to hear your thoughts on this matter.


Jen Dickson

Messages In This Thread

Dear Mr Daniell, did you know that your staff poached my picture of Felicity? *LINK* *PIC*
Another document for the "Failure to Revert" folder
The SPCA is stealing photos from AAS and suing them too. What next??
