Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA ads are working

"I get it. Reptiles shouldn't be pets. And no one should be abusing their dogs, horses, cats, rabbits, hamsters or any other critters.

My kids understand that, too.

But it's not because we pepper their bedtime with animal horror stories. We simply teach them to be kind to all living things, from the tiniest of insects to the meanest-looking canine."

Sheila Reynolds is mistaken - teaching one's own kids to be kind has not stopped cruelty to animals. AAS has criticized the BC SPCA for years for running "soft" ads that offended no one and were only to get donations.

Too bad if Sheila Reynolds is offended... animal cruelty will only end when everyone is offended by it. Good for the SPCA.

Messages In This Thread

Fear factor for kids or animal education?
SPCA ads are working
