Animal Advocates Watchdog

3rd Successful GVAC" Vets for Pets" Street Clinic *PIC*

Another successful Greater Victoria Animals' Crusaders "Vets for Pets" Street Clinic was held today August 14th at "Our Place" on Johnson Street in Victoria. This monthly clinic is for low-income/homeless people to provide spay/neuter, vaccinations, flea control etc. for their pets at no charge. Dr. Kam Brar of Lifeline Animal Clinic is assisted by Jenn in checking out Sheba. 7 other dogs and cats were also vetted today. The next monthly clinic is September 11th.

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3rd Successful GVAC" Vets for Pets" Street Clinic *PIC*
Great TV coverage!
GVAC helped 154 animals in July! *LINK*
