Animal Advocates Watchdog

Duck while running on dikes

Nov 08 2006

Editor, The Maple Ridge News:

Re: Duck while running on dikes (Letters, Oct. 28).

Why are people complaining that hunters dressed up like GI Joe are roaming the dikes and blasting away at wildlife? The dikes are way too crowded with families and children enjoying the natural scenery and fresh air. Hopefully, the thunder of a Rambo wannabes gunfire will finally convince people to just stay home. Really, what gives people the right to think they can enjoy the amenities of their community in relative safety?

Besides, the first child that gets killed by a stray bullet will be an example that teaches other kids a valuable lesson: be quick, or be dead. That's a lesson they soon won't forget.

Not only that, but when a young girl stumbles upon a dead animal, her parents can hug her, wipe away her tears and teach to her that life, and people, are sometimes cold and cruel. Kids can't learn that in a classroom.

Normally, I don't have anything other than disdain for hunters. But in this case, their actions are teaching people something that most of us already know: big gun equals small brain.

Mike Rogozinski

Port Coquitlam

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