Animal Advocates Watchdog

I saw dogs shot who were chained up and obviously owned - not strays - shot to death in their own yards

Ok. I lived on a Reserve in nothern BC. I saw a lot of stray dogs. I decided to ask people who appeared to own them where they came from - did they buy the dogs? Or had the dogs been given as a gift?

Response? The dogs had been brought to the Reserve BY FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE.

Most are brought when they are cute little puppies. They are discarded & left to fend for themselves when they become adults and aren't so 'cute' anymore. They are then allowed to reproduce because most First Nations do not believe in spay or neuter.

They are then shot because there are too many dogs. The Reserve I lived on, like many throughout Canada, is way too remote for people to drive 8 hours from the nearest town just to 'drop off' a dog. I don't buy the story at all. It does not add up with what I've seen.

If, say, you live on an urban Reserve, then why would you not call the SPCA or local shelter to take the dogs, rather than shoot them? Wouldn't that make sense?

The Bands should set aside $15 for each dog to go towards spaying/neutering. Create an account in the financial dept. on the Reserve to pay for the spaying & neutering of dogs that are on your Reserve and in your care. Educate the community about how to avoid dog bites-contact -Power of One -operated by the Vancouver Humane Society at 604-266-9744 or email Or, if the Reserves want help with humane (not shooting) dog control, contact World Society for the Protection of Animals at

Otherwise this shooting will have to be considered a blood sport. I saw dogs shot who were chained up and obviously owned - not strays - shot to death in their own yards.

The Reserves must own up to the fact they they have a problem and it is of their doing. Hopefully, they will do the responsible, kind and respectful thing for these helpless animals. Please pass these numbers and websites to Reserves in your area! Help stop the senseless shooting!

Messages In This Thread

Band offers $15 bounty for dead dogs
I saw dogs shot who were chained up and obviously owned - not strays - shot to death in their own yards
