Animal Advocates Watchdog

Happy Cat Haven on the Sunshine Coast: Meeting the Feral Challenge!

Happy Cat Haven- Winter 2006 Newsletter


In 1999, on the Sunshine Coast, there were several hundred feral cats. Discarded by their owners, these poor creatures were starving, sick and parasite-ridden. Most had become wild in order to survive.

Happy Cat Haven approached Dr. Lome Carroll of the Sechelt Animal Hospital for assistance with a program that would help these cats and prevent them from reproducing. Dr. Carroll very generously agreed to provide medication and sterilization at no charge one whole day per month.

With the advice of Alley Cat Allies, a very large international organization whose feral cat expertise is unlimited, our "Team Feral" was born: Joni Heinrich, Lori Edwards and Pam Albers. Relocation carriers (special live traps) were designed and located in the feral areas, and the trapped cats were quickly whisked to the Sechelt animal Hospital for treatment and surgery. Often Dr. Carroll's team spent over 12 hours in surgery. When it was safe to do so, the cats were returned to their home site.

Feeder boxes became important. They must keep the food dry and withstand the attacks of raccoons and bears. Jean Paul Dejaulis and Alex Tkatsehaw have been instrumental in creating sturdy, practical boxes. Each box has a caretaker who maintains the food supply.

Now, seven years later, we're delighted to report that our program has worked: the Sunshine Coast is relatively free of wild colonies, with just the odd pocket of abandoned cats left to be live-trapped and given veterinary care. Because of this program, our tame cats are much less threatened by infectious diseases and injuries.

If you'd be interested in sponsoring a feeder box, a donation of $100 covers all materials. Your name will be put on the box and a tax receipt issued.

Mail to: 258 Bonniebrook Place,
Gibsons BC, V0N 1V5
